Upcoming FUSION Events In Boston
Dear Fusionites,
We’d like to update you on some interesting activities of DJ Qian this upcoming weekend, in the Boston area.
On Friday March 16th DJ will be meeting Senior staff of the Brandeis Business School, representatives of MIT, Harvard University and Fidelity Investments. These meetings are part of the FUSION Foundation’s alliances strategy — initiating academic research and other forms of cooperation with leading institutes, to promote the design and robustness of the FUSION blockchain and it’s various mechanisms. The FUSION Foundation will sponsor the MIT Bitcoin Expo taking place on the 17th and 18th, as well as the MIT Cryptofinance Hackathon.
Dr Jiangang Wu will be attending as well, to organize the Hackathon (for event details see https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mit-bitcoin-expo-2018-tickets-41592518342). If there are is a large enough group of community members in the Boston area this weekend that might be interested, we’d be happy to arrange a meetup with DJ. Please let a Telegram admin from the official FUSION Telegram channel know if you are interested!
Join us on Telegram to learn more about FUSION — https://t.me/FUSIONFoundation